Masterpeace Spine Care Center
Dr. Gerard Mannino

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What Patients are Saying About Our Practice…

I want to thank you, Dr. Mannino, for seeing a recovery through Chiropractic care. This has been the longest period I’ve had symptom free and pain free. It’s been 6 weeks since I had a “flare up”! I have quality in my life again and can enjoy being out for longer periods of time without having to search for a bathroom, feel burning in my bladder, or pain in my lower back. I thank you and your staff for your support, diligence and training of a complete wellness program including the spine nutrition and fitness.

K. Mann
Patient Testimonial

Prior to my visit with you I had an Orthopedic surgeon tell me that I needed a metal rod placed in my back to correct the abnormal curves in my spine. This well known surgeon in the Fairfax area also told me that there were no other alternatives for my condition. Major back surgery was my only option!

After meeting you, I decided to try your method of treatment. I am happy to say that this decision has proven to be one of the best decisions that I have ever made, my improvement has been nothing short of a miracle. My back has improved dramatically and I am no longer anywhere near a candidate for surgery!!!

Masterpeace Spine Center Chiropractic
D. Cougar
Patient Testimonial

Amazing Dr. Mannino’s hands that take you apart and put you back together to make you feel brand new! Very professional. Highly recommended.

Health Grades
Elena G.

Thank God for Dr. Mannino he is a gifted chiropractor who cares and is determined to get you out of pain. Thank you so much!!!

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Amanda K.

Dr. Mannino and his team are truly amazing. They are family to us. They have brought us so much healing and hope after a bad car accident. Truly blessed to have them in our lives. Thank you Masterpiece Spine Care Center!

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Sherri L.

Wow! What can I say about Master Peace Chiropractic Services. From my very first visit, I have received such great care, service and professionalism! What a pleasant staff and environment, with amazing customer service. Dr. Mannino is very patient and genuinely cares for each patient with individual attention. He knows his stuff, too and has a GREAT sense of humor! You guys ROCK!

I highly recommend this Chiropractic service. Come on in and feel GOOD, today!! You will not be disappointed. Here’s to GOOD HEALTH!!

Natalie D.

Amazing amazing amazing!
You will be shocked just how AMAZING this doctor is. Did I mention he is amazing!!!
He is correcting everything and I am so grateful and feel fabulous. The adjustments have actually made me happier, healthier and have released so much pain and irritation in my neck, upper and lower back. I think my sinus congestion is even deminishing. I have been miserable from constant pain and aching for years and learned to adapt and live with it… I wish I had known long ago that fixing it was this easy. I’m hooked – go get your health and happiness on track! You will not be disappointed – Dr. Mannino’s got your back. 

His team is thorough professional and absolutely AMAZING!

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Brandy H.

I had a minor accident at work. I turned my ankle in, but the pain was not in my ankle. It was my lower back and my hip and thigh. I went to my primary physician and his solution was to medicate with Aleve. The pain was so bad and the Aleve was not doing anything at all to cut the pain. I had to do something. I called Masterpeace Chiropratic and set up an appointment. The staff was so amazing and nice. I was treated with compassion and kindness. Dr. Mannino walked me through what could be causing the pain and he began treatment. The pain, while still bad, is getting manageable and I slept better. I am so grateful to him and his staff. I don’t know what I would have done without them.

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Robin M.

In 1980 I suffered a back injury, which caused me considerable pain for over 22 years Even though I underwent physical therapy on numerous occasions and took various muscle relaxers and painkillers I still woke up each morning with the agonizing pain in my back. It seemed nothing could be done for me to relieve this problem until I came to see you. For the first time in 22 years I have not suffered from one backache. I owe this new wonderful feeling to you and your Masterpeace team, for the first time I can romp and play with my grandchildren without fear of a back spasm.

G. Frantz
Patient Testimonial

I am a retired Army officer and every since I gave birth to my youngest daughter in Jan. 1990, I have had back pains sporadically. Toward the end of 1998, the pains intensified. Both of my daughters would take turns helping me out of bed. I couldn’t stand for a long period of time. I thought that surgery was my only option. I thank the lord for directing me to your place of business. I am now jogging and walking over four miles. I can stand as long as I want. Needless to say I have no pain in my back. I believe that by my lord Jesus and stripes and through your practice that my back is healed. Praise the lord!

R. Lipscomb
Patient Testimonial
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